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message.txt   For Vim version 8.2.  Last change: 2022 Jan 26

                  VIM REFERENCE MANUAL    by Bram Moolenaar

This file contains an alphabetical list of messages and error messages that
Vim produces.  You can use this if you don't understand what the message
means.  It is not complete though.

1. Old messages         :messages

1. Old messages                 :messages :mes message-history

The ":messages" command can be used to view previously given messages.  This
is especially useful when messages have been overwritten or truncated.  This
depends on the 'shortmess' option.

        :mes[sages]             Show all messages.

        :{count}mes[sages]      Show the {count} most recent messages.

        :mes[sages] clear       Clear all messages.

        :{count}mes[sages] clear
                                Clear messages, keeping only the {count} most
                                recent ones.

The number of remembered messages is fixed at 200.

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