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index.txt For Vim version 7.0. Last change: 2006 May 04 VIM REFERENCE MANUAL by Bram Moolenaar index This file contains a list of all commands for each mode, with a tag and a short description. The lists are sorted on ASCII value. Tip: When looking for certain functionality, use a search command. E.g., to look for deleting something, use: "/delete". 1. Insert mode insert-index 2. Normal mode normal-index 2.1. Text objects objects 2.2. Window commands CTRL-W 2.3. Square bracket commands [ 2.4. Commands starting with 'g' g 3. Visual mode visual-index NOTE: there may be platform specific procedures to block user specified keys from jVi. ============================================================================== 1. Insert mode insert-index tag char action ----------------------------------------------------------------------- i_CTRL-@ CTRL-@ insert previously inserted text and stop insert i_CTRL-A CTRL-A insert previously inserted text i_CTRL-D CTRL-D delete one shiftwidth of indent in the current line i_CTRL-E CTRL-E insert the character which is below the cursor i_<BS> <BS> delete character before the cursor i_CTRL-H CTRL-H same as <BS> i_<Tab> <Tab> insert a <Tab> character i_CTRL-I CTRL-I same as <Tab> i_<NL> <NL> same as <CR> i_CTRL-J CTRL-J same as <CR> i_<CR> <CR> begin new line i_CTRL-M CTRL-M same as <CR> i_CTRL-N CTRL-N find next match for keyword in front of the cursor i_CTRL-P CTRL-P find previous match for keyword in front of the cursor i_CTRL-Q CTRL-Q same as CTRL-V (used for terminal control flow) i_CTRL-R CTRL-R {0-9a-z"%#*:=} insert the contents of a register i_CTRL-R_CTRL-R CTRL-R CTRL-R {0-9a-z"%#*:=} insert the contents of a register literally i_CTRL-R_CTRL-O CTRL-R CTRL-O {0-9a-z"%#*:=} insert the contents of a register literally and don't auto-indent i_CTRL-R_CTRL-P CTRL-R CTRL-P {0-9a-z"%#*:=} insert the contents of a register literally and fix indent. i_CTRL-T CTRL-T insert one shiftwidth of indent in current line i_CTRL-U CTRL-U delete all entered characters in the current line i_CTRL-V CTRL-V {char} insert next non-digit literally i_CTRL-V_digit CTRL-V {number} insert three digit decimal number as a single byte. i_CTRL-W CTRL-W delete word before the cursor i_CTRL-Y CTRL-Y insert the character which is above the cursor i_<Esc> <Esc> end insert mode (unless 'insertmode' set) i_CTRL-[ CTRL-[ same as <Esc> i_<Del> <Del> delete character under the cursor i_CTRL-> CTRL-> adjust indent to next paren in previous line, CTRL-. think shift right to paren i_CTRL-< CTRL-< adjust indent to prev paren in previous line, CTRL-, think shift left to paren Meta characters (0x80 to 0xff, 128 to 255) not used i_<Left> <Left> cursor one character left i_<S-Left> <S-Left> cursor one word left i_<C-Left> <C-Left> cursor one word left i_<Right> <Right> cursor one character right i_<S-Right> <S-Right> cursor one word right i_<C-Right> <C-Right> cursor one word right i_<Up> <Up> cursor one line up i_<Down> <Down> cursor one line down i_<Home> <Home> cursor to start of line i_<C-Home> <C-Home> cursor to start of file i_<End> <End> cursor past end of line i_<C-End> <C-End> cursor past end of file i_<Insert> <Insert> toggle Insert/Replace mode ============================================================================== 2. Normal mode normal-index CHAR any non-blank character WORD any sequences of non-blank characters N a number entered before the command {motion} a cursor movement command Nmove the text that is moved over with a {motion} SECTION a section that possibly starts with '}' instead of '{' note: 1 = cursor movement command; 2 = can be undone/redone tag char note action in Normal mode ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ CTRL-@ not used CTRL-A CTRL-A 2 add N to number at/after cursor CTRL-B CTRL-B 1 scroll N screens Backwards CTRL-D CTRL-D scroll Down N lines (default: half a screen) CTRL-E CTRL-E scroll N lines upwards (N lines Extra) CTRL-F CTRL-F 1 scroll N screens Forward CTRL-G CTRL-G display current file name and position <BS> <BS> 1 same as "h" CTRL-H CTRL-H 1 same as "h" <Tab> <Tab> 1 go to N newer entry in jump list CTRL-I CTRL-I 1 same as <Tab> <NL> <NL> 1 same as "j" CTRL-J CTRL-J 1 same as "j" CTRL-K not used <CR> <CR> 1 cursor to the first CHAR N lines lower CTRL-M CTRL-M> 1 same as <CR> CTRL-N CTRL-N 1 same as "j" CTRL-O CTRL-O 1 go to N older entry in jump list CTRL-P CTRL-P 1 cursor N lines upward CTRL-Q CTRL-Q start blockwise Visual mode (dup of CTRL-V) CTRL-R CTRL-R 2 redo changes which were undone with 'u' CTRL-S (used for terminal control flow) CTRL-T CTRL-T jump to N older Tag in tag list CTRL-U CTRL-U scroll N lines Upwards (default: half a screen) CTRL-V CTRL-V start blockwise Visual mode CTRL-W CTRL-W {char} window commands, see CTRL-W CTRL-X CTRL-X 2 subtract N from number at/after cursor CTRL-Y CTRL-Y scroll N lines downwards CTRL-[ <Esc> not used CTRL-\ not_CTRL-N not used CTRL-] CTRL-] :ta to ident under cursor CTRL-_ not used <Space> <Space> 1 same as "l" ! !{motion}{filter} 2 filter Nmove text through the {filter} command !! !!{filter} 2 filter N lines through the {filter} command quote "{a-zA-Z0-9.%#:-"} use buffer {a-zA-Z0-9.%#:-"} for next delete, yank or put (upper case to append) ({.%#:} only work with put) # # 1 search backward for the Nth occurrence of the ident under the cursor $ $ 1 cursor to the end of Nth next line % % 1 find the next (curly/square) bracket on this line and go to its match, or go to matching comment bracket, or go to matching preprocessor directive. N% {count}% 1 go to N percentage in the file ' '{a-zA-Z0-9} 1 cursor to the first CHAR on the line with mark {a-zA-Z0-9} '' '' 1 cursor to the first CHAR of the line where the cursor was before the latest jump. '< '< 1 cursor to the first CHAR of the line where highlighted area starts/started in the current buffer. '> '> 1 cursor to the first CHAR of the line where highlighted area ends/ended in the current buffer. '[ '[ 1 cursor to the first CHAR on the line of the start of last operated text or start of putted text '] '] 1 cursor to the first CHAR on the line of the end of last operated text or end of putted text ( ( 1 cursor N sentences backward ) ) 1 cursor N sentences forward star * 1 search forward for the Nth occurrence of the ident under the cursor + + 1 cursor to the first CHAR N lines lower , , 1 repeat latest f, t, F or T in opposite direction N times - - 1 cursor to the first CHAR N lines higher . . 2 repeat last change with count replaced with N / /{pattern}<CR> 1 search forward for the Nth occurrence of {pattern} /<CR> /<CR> 1 search forward for {pattern} of last search count 0 1 cursor to the first char of the line count 1 prepend to command to give a count count 2 " count 3 " count 4 " count 5 " count 6 " count 7 " count 8 " count 9 " : : start entering an Ex command N: {count}: start entering an Ex command with range from current line to N lines down ; ; 1 repeat latest f, t, F or T N times < <{motion} 2 shift Nmove lines one 'shiftwidth' leftwards << << 2 shift N lines one 'shiftwidth' leftwards = ={motion} 2 filter Nmove lines through "indent" == == 2 filter N lines through "indent" > >{motion} 2 shift Nmove lines one 'shiftwidth' rightwards >> >> 2 shift N lines one 'shiftwidth' rightwards ? ?{pattern}<CR> 1 search backward for the Nth previous occurrence of {pattern} ?<CR> ?<CR> 1 search backward for {pattern} of last search @ @{a-z} 2 execute the contents of named buffer {a-z} N times @@ @@ 2 repeat the previous @{a-z} N times A A 2 append text after the end of the line N times B B 1 cursor N WORDS backward C ["x]C 2 change from the cursor position to the end of the line, and N-1 more lines [into buffer x]; synonym for "c$" D ["x]D 2 delete the characters under the cursor until the end of the line and N-1 more lines [into buffer x]; synonym for "d$" E E 1 cursor forward to the end of WORD N F F{char} 1 cursor to the Nth occurrence of {char} to the left G G 1 cursor to line N, default last line H H 1 cursor to line N from top of screen I I 2 insert text before the first CHAR on the line N times J J 2 Join N lines; default is 2 'keywordprg' L L 1 cursor to line N from bottom of screen M M 1 cursor to middle line of screen N N 1 repeat the latest '/' or '?' N times in opposite direction O O 2 begin a new line above the cursor and insert text, repeat N times P ["x]P 2 put the text [from buffer x] before the cursor N times Q Q format Nmove text R R 2 enter replace mode: overtype existing characters, repeat the entered text N-1 times S ["x]S 2 delete N lines [into buffer x] and start insert; synonym for "^cc" or "0cc", depending on autoindent T T{char} 1 cursor till after Nth occurrence of {char} to the left V V start linewise Visual mode W W 1 cursor N WORDS forward X ["x]X 2 delete N characters before the cursor [into buffer x] Y ["x]Y yank N lines [into buffer x]; synonym for "yy" [ [{char} square bracket command (see below) \ not used ] ]{char} square bracket command (see below) ^ ^ 1 cursor to the first CHAR of the line _ _ 1 cursor to the first CHAR N - 1 lines lower ` `{a-zA-Z0-9} 1 cursor to the mark {a-zA-Z0-9} `< `< 1 cursor to the start of the highlighted area `> `> 1 cursor to the end of the highlighted area `[ `[ 1 cursor to the start of last operated text or start of putted text `] `] 1 cursor to the end of last operated text or end of putted text `` `` 1 cursor to the position before latest jump a a 2 append text after the cursor N times b b 1 cursor N words backward c ["x]c{motion} 2 delete Nmove text [into buffer x] and start insert cc ["x]cc 2 delete N lines [into buffer x] and start insert d ["x]d{motion} 2 delete Nmove text [into buffer x] dd ["x]dd 2 delete N lines [into buffer x] e e 1 cursor forward to the end of word N f f{char} 1 cursor to Nth occurrence of {char} to the right g g{char} extended commands, see below h h 1 cursor N chars to the left i i 2 insert text before the cursor N times j j 1 cursor N lines downward k k 1 cursor N lines upward l l 1 cursor N chars to the right m m{A-Za-z} set mark {A-Za-z} at cursor position m{.<>} anonymous mark {toggle-set, go-prev, go-next} {jVi only anonymous marks} n n 1 repeat the latest '/' or '?' N times o o 2 begin a new line below the cursor and insert text, repeat N times p ["x]p 2 put the text [from register x] after the cursor N times q q{0-9a-zA-Z"} record typed characters into named register {0-9a-zA-Z"} (upper case to append) q q (while recording) stops recording r r{char} 2 replace N chars with {char} s ["x]s 2 (substitute) delete N characters [into buffer x] and start insert t t{char} 1 cursor till before Nth occurrence of {char} to the right u u 2 undo changes v v start characterwise Visual mode w w 1 cursor N words forward x ["x]x 2 delete N characters under and after the cursor [into buffer x] y ["x]y{motion} yank Nmove text [into buffer x] yy ["x]yy yank N lines [into buffer x] z<CR> z<CR> redraw, cursor line to top of window, cursor on first non-blank z. z. redraw, cursor line to center of window, cursor on first non-blank z- z- redraw, cursor line at bottom of window, cursor on first non-blank zb zb redraw, cursor line at bottom of window zt zt redraw, cursor line at top of window zz zz redraw, cursor line at center of window { { 1 cursor N paragraphs backward bar | 1 cursor to column N } } 1 cursor N paragraphs forward ~ ~ 2 'tildeop' off: switch case of N characters under cursor and move the cursor N characters to the right ~ ~{motion} 'tildeop' on: switch case of Nmove text <C-End> <C-End> 1 same as "G" <C-Home> <C-Home> 1 same as "gg" <C-Left> <C-Left> 1 same as "b" <C-Right> <C-Right> 1 same as "w" <Del> ["x]<Del> 2 same as "x" <Down> <Down> 1 same as "j" <End> <End> 1 same as "$" <Home> <Home> 1 same as "0" <Insert> <Insert> 2 same as "i" <Left> <Left> 1 same as "h" <LeftMouse> <LeftMouse> 1 move cursor to the mouse click position <PageDown> <PageDown> same as CTRL-F <PageUp> <PageUp> same as CTRL-B <Right> <Right> 1 same as "l" <S-Down> <S-Down> 1 same as CTRL-F <S-Left> <S-Left> 1 same as "b" <S-Right> <S-Right> 1 same as "w" <S-Up> <S-Up> 1 same as CTRL-B <Undo> <Undo> 2 same as "u" <Up> <Up> 1 same as "k" ============================================================================== 2.1 Text objects objects These can be used after an operator or in Visual mode to select an object. tag command action in Normal mode ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ v_a( a( same as ab v_a) a) same as ab v_a< a< "a <>" from '<' to the matching '>' v_a> a> same as a< v_aB aB "a Block" from "[{" to "]}" (with brackets) v_aW aW "a WORD" (with white space) v_a[ a[ "a []" from '[' to the matching ']' v_a] a] same as a[ v_ab ab "a block" from "[(" to "])" (with braces) v_ap ap "a paragraph" (with white space) v_as as "a sentence" (with white space) v_aw aw "a word" (with white space) v_a{ a{ same as aB v_a} a} same as aB v_i( i( same as ib v_i) i) same as ib v_i< i< "inner <>" from '<' to the matching '>' v_i> i> same as i< v_iB iB "inner Block" from "[{" and "]}" v_iW iW "inner WORD" v_i[ i[ "inner []" from '[' to the matching ']' v_i] i] same as i[ v_ib ib "inner block" from "[(" to "])" v_ip ip "inner paragraph" v_is is "inner sentence" v_iw iw "inner word" v_i{ i{ same as iB v_i} i} same as iB ============================================================================== 2.2 Window commands CTRL-W tag command action in Normal mode ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ CTRL-W_CTRL-B CTRL-W CTRL-B same as "CTRL-W b" CTRL-W_CTRL-C CTRL-W CTRL-C same as "CTRL-W c" CTRL-W_CTRL-E CTRL-W CTRL-E same as "CTRL-W e" {jVi only} CTRL-W_CTRL-H CTRL-W CTRL-H same as "CTRL-W h" CTRL-W_CTRL-J CTRL-W CTRL-J same as "CTRL-W j" CTRL-W_CTRL-K CTRL-W CTRL-K same as "CTRL-W k" CTRL-W_CTRL-L CTRL-W CTRL-L same as "CTRL-W l" CTRL-W_CTRL-O CTRL-W CTRL-O same as "CTRL-W o" CTRL-W_CTRL-P CTRL-W CTRL-P same as "CTRL-W p" CTRL-W_CTRL-Q CTRL-W CTRL-Q same as "CTRL-W q" CTRL-W_CTRL-T CTRL-W CTRL-T same as "CTRL-W t" CTRL-W_CTRL-V CTRL-W CTRL-V same as "CTRL-W v" CTRL-W_CTRL-W CTRL-W CTRL-W same as "CTRL-W w" CTRL-W_CTRL-_ CTRL-W CTRL-_ same as "CTRL-W _" CTRL-W_+ CTRL-W + increase current window height N lines CTRL-W_- CTRL-W - decrease current window height N lines CTRL-W_< CTRL-W < decrease current window width N columns CTRL-W_= CTRL-W = make all windows the same height CTRL-W_> CTRL-W > increase current window width N columns CTRL-W_H CTRL-W H move current window to the far left CTRL-W_J CTRL-W J move current window to the very bottom CTRL-W_K CTRL-W K move current window to the very top CTRL-W_L CTRL-W L move current window to the far right CTRL-W_S CTRL-W S same as "CTRL-W s" CTRL-W__ CTRL-W _ set current window height to N (default: very high) CTRL-W_b CTRL-W b go to bottom window CTRL-W_c CTRL-W c close current window (like :close) CTRL-W_e CTRL-W e go to Nth next window in alternate set of windows (those without associated files) {jVi only} CTRL-W_h CTRL-W h go to Nth left window (stop at first window) identifier under the cursor CTRL-W_j CTRL-W j go N windows down (stop at last window) CTRL-W_k CTRL-W k go N windows up (stop at first window) CTRL-W_l CTRL-W l go to Nth right window (stop at last window) CTRL-W_o CTRL-W o close all but current window (like :only) CTRL-W_p CTRL-W p go to previous (last accessed) window CTRL-W_q CTRL-W q quit current window (like :quit) CTRL-W_s CTRL-W s split current window in two parts, new window N lines high CTRL-W_t CTRL-W t go to top window CTRL-W_v CTRL-W v split current window vertically, new window N lines wide CTRL-W_w CTRL-W w go to N next window (wrap around) CTRL-W_<Down> CTRL-W <Down> same as "CTRL-W j" CTRL-W_<Up> CTRL-W <Up> same as "CTRL-W k" CTRL-W_<Left> CTRL-W <Left> same as "CTRL-W h" CTRL-W_<Right> CTRL-W <Right> same as "CTRL-W l" ============================================================================== 2.3 Square bracket commands [ ] tag char note action in Normal mode ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [# [# 1 cursor to N previous unmatched #if, #else or #ifdef non-blank [( [( 1 cursor N times back to unmatched '(' [star [* 1 same as "[/" [/ [/ 1 cursor to N previous start of a C comment [[ [[ 1 cursor N sections backward [] [] 1 cursor N SECTIONS backward [M [M 1 cursor N times back to end of method [m [m 1 cursor N times back to start of method function [{ [{ 1 cursor N times back to unmatched '{' ]# ]# 1 cursor to N next unmatched #endif or #else ]) ]) 1 cursor N times forward to unmatched ')' ]star ]* 1 same as "]/" ]/ ]/ 1 cursor to N next end of a C comment ][ ][ 1 cursor N SECTIONS forward ]] ]] 1 cursor N sections forward ]M ]M 1 cursor N times forward to end of method ]m ]m 1 cursor N times forward to start of method function ]} ]} 1 cursor N times forward to unmatched '}' ============================================================================== 2.4 Commands starting with 'g' g tag char note action in Normal mode ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ g# g# 1 like "#", but without using "\<" and "\>" g$ g$ 1 when 'wrap' off go to rightmost character of the current line that is on the screen; when 'wrap' on go to the rightmost character of the current screen line gstar g* 1 like "*", but without using "\<" and "\>" g0 g0 1 when 'wrap' off go to leftmost character of the current line that is on the screen; when 'wrap' on go to the leftmost character of the current screen line gE gE 1 go backwards to the end of the previous WORD gP ["x]gP 2 put the text [from register x] before the cursor N times, leave the cursor after it gT gT Go to the previous tab page; wraps around. g^ g^ 1 when 'wrap' off go to leftmost non-white character of the current line that is on the screen; when 'wrap' on go to the leftmost non-white character of the current screen line ge ge 1 go backwards to the end of the previous word gg gg 1 cursor to line N, default first line gi gi 2 like "i", but first move to the '^ mark gj gj 1 like "j", but when 'wrap' on go N screen lines down gk gk 1 like "k", but when 'wrap' on go N screen lines up gm gm 1 go to character at middle of the screenline gp ["x]gp 2 put the text [from register x] after the cursor N times, leave the cursor after it gq gq{motion} 2 format Nmove text gt gt Go to the next tab page; wraps around. gv gv reselect the previous Visual area ============================================================================== 3. Visual mode visual-index Most commands in Visual mode are the same as in Normal mode. The ones listed here are those that are different. tag command note action in Visual mode ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ v_CTRL-G CTRL-G convert visual mode to java text selection VIM: toggle between Visual and Select mode v_CTRL-V CTRL-V make Visual mode blockwise or stop Visual mode v_! !{filter} 2 filter the highlighted lines through the external command {filter} v_: : start a command-line with the highlighted lines as a range v_< < 2 shift the highlighted lines one 'shiftwidth' left v_= = 2 filter the highlighted lines through the external program given with the 'equalprg' option v_> > 2 shift the highlighted lines one 'shiftwidth' right v_b_A A 2 block mode: append same text in all lines, after the highlighted area v_C C 2 delete the highlighted lines and start insert v_D D 2 delete the highlighted lines v_b_I I 2 block mode: insert same text in all lines, before the highlighted area v_J J 2 join the highlighted lines v_K K run 'keywordprg' on the highlighted area v_O O Move horizontally to other corner of area. Q does not start Ex mode v_R R 2 delete the highlighted lines and start insert v_S S 2 delete the highlighted lines and start insert v_U U 2 make highlighted area uppercase v_V V make Visual mode linewise or stop Visual mode v_X X 2 delete the highlighted lines v_Y Y yank the highlighted lines v_a( a( same as ab v_a) a) same as ab v_a< a< extend highlighted area with a <> block v_a> a> same as a< v_aB aB extend highlighted area with a {} block v_aW aW extend highlighted area with "a WORD" v_a[ a[ extend highlighted area with a [] block v_a] a] same as a[ v_ab ab extend highlighted area with a () block v_ap ap extend highlighted area with a paragraph v_as as extend highlighted area with a sentence v_aw aw extend highlighted area with "a word" v_a{ a{ same as aB v_a} a} same as aB v_c c 2 delete highlighted area and start insert v_d d 2 delete highlighted area v_gJ gJ 2 join the highlighted lines without inserting spaces v_gq gq 2 format the highlighted lines v_gv gv exchange current and previous highlighted area v_i( i( same as ib v_i) i) same as ib v_i< i< extend highlighted area with inner <> block v_i> i> same as i< v_iB iB extend highlighted area with inner {} block v_iW iW extend highlighted area with "inner WORD" v_i[ i[ extend highlighted area with inner [] block v_i] i] same as i[ v_ib ib extend highlighted area with inner () block v_ip ip extend highlighted area with inner paragraph v_is is extend highlighted area with inner sentence v_iw iw extend highlighted area with "inner word" v_i{ i{ same as iB v_i} i} same as iB v_o o move cursor to other corner of area v_r r 2 delete highlighted area and start insert v_s s 2 delete highlighted area and start insert v_u u 2 make highlighted area lowercase v_v v make Visual mode characterwise or stop Visual mode v_x x 2 delete the highlighted area v_y y yank the highlighted area v_~ ~ 2 swap case for the highlighted area vim:tw=78:ts=8:sw=8:noet:
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