Uses of Class

Packages that use Buffer
com.raelity.jvi This is the main package of the jVi editor; it contains the primary editing engine. 

Uses of Buffer in com.raelity.jvi

Methods in com.raelity.jvi that return Buffer
 Buffer ViTextView.getBuffer()
 Buffer ViFactory.getBuffer(JEditorPane editorPane)
          Return a Buffer, create one if it doesn't already exist
static Buffer ViManager.getBuffer(JEditorPane editorPane)

Methods in com.raelity.jvi that return types with arguments of type Buffer
 Set<Buffer> ViFactory.getBufferSet()

Methods in com.raelity.jvi with parameters of type Buffer
static ViTextView ViManager.getAlternateTextView(ViTextView tv, Buffer buf)
          get any text view, other than tv, which has buf KLUDGE HACK
static void Misc.getvcol(Buffer buf, ViFPOS fpos, MutableInt start, MutableInt cursor, MutableInt end)
 void ViTextView.startup(Buffer buf)
          called after TV and Buffer are constructed

Uses of Buffer in com.raelity.jvi.swing

Subclasses of Buffer in com.raelity.jvi.swing
 class DefaultBuffer

Methods in com.raelity.jvi.swing that return Buffer
protected  Buffer DefaultViFactory.createBuffer(ViTextView tv)
          subclass probably wants to override this
 Buffer DefaultViFactory.getBuffer(JEditorPane editorPane)

Methods in com.raelity.jvi.swing that return types with arguments of type Buffer
 Set<Buffer> DefaultViFactory.getBufferSet()

Methods in com.raelity.jvi.swing with parameters of type Buffer
 void TextView.startup(Buffer buf)